2014 5-State Futurity, Maturity and Amateur Results

Go 1
1  All Warm N Fuzzy, Cami Bauer, Zach and Amber West, 17.516, $2031.47
09 S M Frenchmans Guy x Hot Brandi N Wine, Hot Colours
2  SC Smoke N Rings, Shawn Varpness, Shawn and Casey Varpnness, 17.597, $1678.17
09 Bl M Smoke N Sparks x Magic Bugs, Magic Dozen
3  Frenchmans Penny, Hallie Hanssen, Joe and Carla Spitz, 17.602, $1279.87
10 S M Frenchmans Guy x Positively A Coyote, Coyote Colonel
4  Divas Devil Too, Cally Goyins, CR Bohleen Cattle Co., 17.611, $1059.90
09 B M Raren To Dash x Diva Design, New Design
5  Turn Again Frenchman, Erin King, Debbi and Erin King, 17.646, $794.93
09 P S Streakin Four Sixes x Frenchmans Lil Topaz, Frenchmans Guy
6  HLH Streakin A Fling, Wendy Suhn, 17.675, $574.10
09 Ro G A Streak Of Fling x Tinys Gay Jet, Mito Jet
7  Dun Got Charmed, Lynn Kohr, Lexi Hamm, 17.707, $441.63
09 B M Famous Charmer x Henretta, Big Horn Doc
8  Do You Know Who I Am, Lacey Harmon, Harry LaToush, 17.717, $353.30
10 S M Dashin Elvis x Streakin Scat Cat, Bop Trot
9  Guys Girl Power, Ryan Lovendahl, Busby Quarter Horses, 17.808, $309.14
10 P M Frenchmans Guy x Handfulla Dash, Power Train
10  CM Nonstop Fashion, Jade Crago, Chuck and Mary Crago, 17.828, $264.98
09 S M CM Nonstop Nitro x CM Sak Em A Bronsin, PC Bronsin
1  Playing Firefighter, Sonya Walz, Jim and Sonya Walz, 18.521, $300.00
09 Bu G Ima Firefighter x Feefifowho, By Who
2  Runningdownadream, Shawna Letcher, 18.568, $250.00
09 Ro M Smoke N Sparks x Winning Mito Lady, Mito Is The Limit
3  JMS Frenchbug, Brooke Steinhauer, Cheryl Wallace, 18.569, $200.00
09 Bu G Frostman San Peppy x KR Jean Bug, Blushing Bug
4  A Smooth Ransom, Toree Gunn, Terry Gunn,  18.605, $150.00
09 B G A Smooth Guy x Smooth Driftin Girl, Smooth Medicineman
5  BI Hexagon, Kami Ireland, Bud and Peg Ireland, 18.707, $100.00
09 B G Streakin Four Sixes x BI Six Moon Beggar, Marthas Six Moons

Go 2

1 A Smooth Cutie, Jordon Briggs, Emma Smith, 17.298, $2031.47
09 A Smooth Guy x Hot April Colours, Hot Colours
2 BR Don’t Bug That Guy, Hallie Hanssen, Garland Baker, 17.408, $1678.17
10 S G Frenchmans Guy x Rods Last Ladybug, Sharp Rodney
3 Shez Gotta Poker Face, Samantha Flannery, Marlin and Jinx Maude, 17.468, $1279.87
10 S M A Streak Of Fling x French Fancy Face, Frenchmans Guy
4 Dun Got Charmed, Lynn Kohr, Lexi Hamm, 17.562, $1059.90
5 SX Bullys U2 Lainee Sampson, Greg and Lori Shearer, 17.608, $794.93
10 Br G Bully For Casey x SX Ima Special One, Frenchmans Guy
6 Caseys Fabulous Charm, Wendy Greenough, Tom Wagoner, 17.716, $574.10
10 S M Fabulous Six Jets x Boon Dox Charm, Boon Dox John
7 A Smooth Time, Lonnie Farella, Fred and Clara Wilson, 17.762, $441.63
09 S G A Smooth Guy x Good Times N Cash, Dox Bueno Dinero
8 Guys Girl Power, Ryan Lovendahl, Busby Quarter Horses, 17.771, $353.30
9 Streakin Ali Jack, Samantha Flannery, Justen and Lori Robinson, 17.780, $309.14
10 S G Streakin Ali x Ali Jack Ms Socks, Ali Jack
10 Flirty French Girl, Luke Robinson, Patricia Tjelde, 17.782, $264.98
09 S M Frenchmans Guy x Dashing Guitar, Dash Ta Fame


1 Your Pretty Special, Linda Hunter, 18.327, $300.00
09 C M Dashing With Cash x Leadmetoyourladder, Special Leader
2 Summ Rollin Saphire, Libbi Susag, 18.350, $250.00
10 C M Ryons Rollin x Summ Efficiency, Summum Bonum
3 JMS Frenchbug, Brooke Steinhauer, 18.357, $200.00
09 Bu G Frostman San Peppy x KR Jean Bug, Blushing Bug
4 Smoken French Winner, Amanda Harris, 18.372, $150.00
10 B S Smoke N Sparks x Runaway French Girl, Frenchmans Guy
5 Hi Proof Firewater, Ron Hansen, 18.416, $100.00
09 B G Firewater On Ice x Hi Fastacized Bug, Bugs Royalty

1 HLH Streakin A Fling, Wendy Suhn, 17.380, $2031.47
2 It is What Itis Guys, Lacey Harmon, Harry LaToush, 17.541, $1678.17
3 Dun Got Charmed, Lynn Kohr, Lexi Hamm, 17.638, $1279.87
4 Guys Girl Power, Ryan Lovengahl, Lexi Hamm, 17.705, $1059.90
5 SL Crusade For Cash, Lynn Kohr, Kohr Quarter Horses, LLC 17.708, $794.93
6 A Smooth Time, Lonnie Farella, Fred and Clara Wilson, 17.747, $574.10
7 SC Smoke N Rings, Shawn Varpness, Shawn and Casey Varpness, 18.023, $441.63
8 SL Lifes A Dance, Kami Ireland, Ireland Performance Horses, 18.042, $353.30
09 P G Dancingrighpastya x Frenchmans Last Word, Frenchmand Guy
9 Smoke N Kitten, Lainee Sampson, TK and Lainee Sampson, 19.951, $309.14
09 S M Smoke N Sparks x JK Copper Cat, Doc Bruce
10 Frenchmans Penny, Hallie Hanssen, Joe and Carla Spitz, 22.442, $264.98


1 Dun Got Charmed, Lynn Kohr, Lexi Hamm, 52.907, $2031.47
2 HH Streakin A Fling, Wendy Suhn, 52.934, $1678.17
3 Guys Girl Power, Ryan Lovendahl, Busby Quarter Horses, 53.284, $1279.87
4 SC Smoke N Rings, Shawn Varpness, Shawn and Casey Varpness, 53.428, $1059.90
5 A Smooth Time, Lonnie Farella, 53.476, $794.93
6 It is What It is Guys, Lacey Harmon, Harry LaToush, 53.683, $574.10
7 SL Crusade For Cash, Lynn Kohr, Kohr Quarter Horses LLC, $441.63
8 SL Lifes A Dance, Kami Ireland, Ireland Performance Horses, 54.172, $353.30
9 Smoke N Kitten, Lainee Sampson, TK and Lainee Sampson, 56.122, $309.14
10 Divas Devil Too, Cally Goyins, CR Bohleen Cattle Co, 58.179, $264.98

1 Itsmidnitecinderella, Jodie Fox, 37.415
09 Br M No Brakes Now x JRS Miss Kirk, Dr Kirk
2 Dashing Past Feather, Terrie Nehring, Diamond R Ranch,  37.574
09 P M Romeo White Feathers x More Darn Cash, Hard Cash Dash
3 JL Cyan, Jill Lane, 37.591
10 B M Red x JL Sabina, Dash Ta Fame
4 Runnindownadream, Shawna Letcher, 37.686
09 Ro M Smoke N Sparks x Winning Mito Lady, Mito Is The Limit
5 Carmaleata Rosa, Jody OBryan, Robert Rose,  37.853
09 D M PC San Sugar Oaks x Sissy Four Kings, Figure Four 55

Futurity Amateur – 10 entries

Go 1
1  Quixotes Truffel, Breanne Bull, 18.301, $200.00
09 S M Red Hot Quixote x Smarty Max, Frenchmans Max
2  String Bikini Dream, Haley Anderson, Kim and LoraLee Anderson 18.323, $150.00
09 S M Frenchmans Easy Doc x Docs Splash of Class, Dox B Chex
3  A Smooth Ransom, Toree Gunn, Terry Gunn, 18.605, $100.00
09 B G A Smooth Guy x Smooth Driftin Girl, Smooth Medicineman
4  Itsmidnitecinderella, Jodie Fox, 18.725, $50.00

Go 2

1 Quixotes Truffle, Breanne Bull, 17.896, $200.00
2 Summ Rollin Saphire, Libi Susag, 18.350, $150.00
3 Dashing Past Feather, Terrie Nehring, Diamond R Ranch, 18.446, $100.00
4 Itsmidnitecinderella, Jodie Fox, 18.690, $50.00


1 Quixotes Truffle, Breanne Bull, 36.197, $400.00
2 Summ Rollin Sapphire, Libi Susag, 37.209, $300.00
3 Itsmidnitecinerella, Jodie Fox, 37.415, $200.00
4 Dashing Past Feather, Terrie Nehring, 37.574, $100.00

John W Stovall Fast Time Finals Award – Wendy Suhn and HLH Streakin A Fling

All Around Futurity Champion – Lynn Kohr and SL Crusade For Cash
(pictured with sponsor Gary Westergren)


1 Suhn/McNamee $760 (HLH Streakin A Fling)
2 Hollman/Westergren $570 (It is What It is Guys)
3 Iverson $380 (Dun Got Charmed)
4 Bud Ireland $190 (Guys Girl Power)

Stallion Pay-back ($5,000)
Go 1
1 Frenchmans Guy $433.33
2 Smoke N Sparks $333.33
3 Frenchmans Guy $250
4 Raren To Dash $200
5 Streakin Four Sixes $166.67
6 A Streak Of Fling $150.00
7 Famous Charmer $133.33

Go 2
1 A Smooth Guy $433.33
2 Frenchmans Guy $333.33
3 A Streak Of Fling $250
4 Famous Charmer $200
5 Bully For Casey $166.67
6 Fabulous Six Jets $150
7 A Smooth Guy $133.33

1 Famous Charmer $433.33
2 A Streak Of Fling $333.33
3 Frenchmans Guy $250.00
4 Smoke N Sparks $200.00
5 A Smooth Guy $166.67
6 Frenchmans Guy $150
7 Dashing With Cash $133.33

Maturity - 51 Entries
Go 1
1   DHR Miss Power Perks, Brooke Buhr, Delvin and Sheryl Buhr, 17.267, $667.20
06 B M Oh Whatta Boy x Suzy Power Doll, Smokey Leo Bars
2   DHR Phoebes Rose, Delvin Buhr, Delvin and Sheryl Buhr, 17.385, $500.40
09 Br M Oh Whatta Boy x Phoebe Bug, Fe Fe’s Bug
3  DHR Cheeta Bug, Delvin Buhr, Kelli Reichmuth, 17.404, $417.00
08 Br M Oh Whatta Boy x DHR Embers To Ashes, Ashes In The Fire
4  Guys Champagne Girl, Nikki Steffes, Bill and Deb Myers, 17.453, $333.60
06 P M Frenchmans Guy x Hot Brandi N Wine, Hot Colours
5  HBS Mayan Gold, Jordan Briggs, 17.482, $278.00
09 P M Frenchmans  x Justwhatiaskfor, Raise Your Glass
6  Puttinonthebiarritz, Sue Kay Gorman, 17.484, $222.40
07 S M Dancingrightpastya x Eden Flight, Dash Ta Fame
7  Frenchmans Gun, Deanna Johnson, 17.554, $194.60
07 B M Frenchmans Max x Struck Again, Tiger Handy
8   MFR Firewater King, Cindy Mankin, 17.555, $166.80
05 S G Firewater Frost x Princess Shamrock, Speedlines


1   Fergies Fling, Maesa Kummer, 18.017, $150.00
09 Br M A Streak Of Fling x Tyrees Torla, Watch Tyrees Dude
2  Chocs Snazzy Sis, Deb Schroetlin, John and Deb Schroetlin, 18.022, $100.00
04 B M Dashing With Cash x Big Sis, Whizz Blitz
3   Alotta French Effort, Sherri Cass, 18.024, $50.00
07 Br M Fastastic Frenchman x Special Anise, Special Task

Go 2

1 Hot Bug Light, Taylor Miniat, 17.228, $667.20
03 S G Hot Colours x Madam Bug Light, Bugs Alive in 75
2 Guys Champagne Girl, Nikki Steffes, Bill and Deb Myers, 17.251, $500.40
3 HBS Mayan Gold, Jordon Briggs, 17.296, $417.00
4 Guys VooDoo Bug, Monica McClung, 17.381, $333.60
03 S G Frenchmans Guy x Voo Doo Martha, Marthas Six Moons
5 Streakin Eye Paint, Sherri Cass, 17.395, $278.00
05 Ro M A Streak Of Fling x Miss Eye Paint, Mr Eye Opener
6 Chase It With Brandy, Jana Griemsman, 17.428, $222.40
08 S M TM Sakem Drift x Corona Special, Shake It Special
7 DHR Miss Power Perks, Brooke Buhr, Delvin and Sheryl Buhr, 17.513, $194.60
8 Fabulous Golden Jet, Wendy Greenough, Tom Wagoner, 17.529, $166.80
05 Bu S Fabulous Six Jets x Crows Brown Lady, Black Chic Gold


1 DHR Phoebes Rose, Delvin Buhr, Delvin and Sheryl Buhr, 17.983, $150.00
2 Guys VooDoo Rocket, Melissa Brandt, 17.987, $100.00
06 S M Frenchmans Guy x Voo Doo Martha, Marthas Six Moons
3 Easy On The Fame, Wendy Greenough, 18.001, $50.00
08 S M Famous Charmer x Go Easy On The Sugar, Heza Ole Smasher


1 Guys Champagne Girl, Nikki, Steffes, Bill and Deb Myers, 34.704, $1,334.40
2 HBS Mayan Gold, Jordon Briggs, 34.778, $1000.80
3 DHR Miss Power Perks, Brooke Buhr, Delvin or Sheryl Buhr, 34.780, $834.00
4 Hot Bug Light, Taylor Miniat, 34.869, $667.20
5 Chase It With Brandy, Jana Griemesman, 35.105, $556.00
6 DHR Cheeta Bug, Delvin Buhr, Delvin and Sheryl Buhr, 35.250, $444.80
7 Elvis Walks On Water, Sara Mills, Lowell and Tami Pfleger, 35.290, $389.20
07 S G Dashin Elvis x Miss Toro Pedo, Jet Toro
8 Cash N Time, Lynn Kohr, Kohr Quarter Horses, 35.290, $333.60
08 S G Dashing With Cash x Good Times N Cash, Dox Bueno Dinero

1 Dashing Delila, Kami Ireland, Ireland Performance Horses, 36.402
07 Br M Dashing With Cash x On A Kirk High, Chrome E Kirk
2 Turnin Tess, Brooke Steinhauer, 36.430
03 Br M Runnerelse x Gallent Livin, Livin Proof
3 Easy On The Fame, Wendy Greenough, 36.502
